The Impact of Sleep on Heart Health

The Impact of Sleep on Heart Health

We all know that it feels refreshing to get a good night's sleep. You may know that sleep is important for your health. But did you know sleeping habits have been directly linked to cardiovascular health? Multiple studies show that poor sleep habits and sleep...

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The Link Between Mental Health and Heart Disease

The Link Between Mental Health and Heart Disease

Multiple studies have shown a direct link between heart disease and mental health conditions like depression. In fact, 20% to 40% of patients who’ve gone through a major heart event meet the criteria for major depressive disorder. The link goes both ways — emotional...

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Women and Heart Disease

Women and Heart Disease

Even in 2022, despite years of women's health advocacy, women's health issues are often overlooked or dismissed. Heart disease, for example, is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, yet women are often dismissed by doctors when they bring up their...

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The Power of Giving

The Power of Giving

The numbers are terrifying. There are 48 million American women living with or at risk of heart disease. As the first and only patient-centered organization for women, our mission is to bring about change and provide education about the leading cause of death in...

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Getting Heart Smart with Dr. Jennifer Mieres

Getting Heart Smart with Dr. Jennifer Mieres

The statistics are sobering. African-American women are more likely to die of heart disease than Caucasian women, while Hispanic women face heart disease nearly 10 years earlier than Caucasian women. Obesity, high cholesterol, poverty, language barriers, physical...

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The Best Heart Apps for 2019

The Best Heart Apps for 2019

Now that the end of the year is fast approaching, many will begin to plan out their top goals and resolutions for the new year. One of the most common resolutions is engaging in better health and fitness habits. Our friends at the Alliance for Aging...

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TODAY is #GivingTuesday, so Give Heart today

TODAY is #GivingTuesday, so Give Heart today

On a Wednesday, Robin thought the radiating pain in her left arm was a pinched nerve. By Friday, she was rushing to the ER - her family in tears worried about the outcome. News of a heart attack was a wake-up call for Robin. She realized that missing the signs of...

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Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, will you Give Heart?

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, will you Give Heart?

It took six defibrillator shocks to her heart to put Ingrid in the driver’s seat of heart health. We’ve learned with Pam, Danielle, and Yesenia that warning signs of heart disease can often go unnoticed if we aren’t aware. What if you have all the tools you need but...

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Living Well with AFib

Living Well with AFib

Did you know that women with AFib are more likely than men with AFib to have a stroke; Afib is the leading cause of debilitating stroke in women; and if left untreated, AFib can also lead to heart failure and chronic fatigue? So what is AFib or atrial fibrillation you...

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