WomenHeart Stands with the AAPI Community
In the past weeks, we have witnessed the tragic murders of innocent people in Atlanta, most of whom were Asian women. Sadly, this attack comes amidst an increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans over the past year. Combined with the extreme challenges of the...
Heart Valve Disease – Why We Under-Diagnose and Under-Treat Women
The prevalence of heart valve disease is rising. Yet, women – and especially women of color – are more likely than men to go undiagnosed, and therefore have lower rates of referral, specialist visits and treatment. In 2020, WomenHeart engaged Dr. Rachel Bond and NHA...
An End of Year Message
Before we breathe a deep sigh of relief as we put 2020 behind us, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on this year for the WomenHeart family - a year marked by adversity and redeemed by resilience and grace. I don't want to mince words - for far too many of us, 2020...
Showing Gratitude for WomenHeart Champions
As we head into a season of thanks, WomenHeart would like to express appreciation to our amazing volunteers. This has been a trying year for most, but through it all WomenHeart Champions have continued to support our mission to improve the health and quality of life...
A Special Week for WomenHeart
There has been so much to endure this year – a pandemic the likes of which we haven’t seen in a century, deep economic stagnation leading millions to lose their jobs, school closures disrupting the educational progress and social development of young people, social...
A Patient-First Policy Agenda for the First 100 Days
WomenHeart joined 33 organizations representing millions of people with pre-existing conditions in releasing our top policy priorities for the next Administration related to access to adequate and affordable health coverage. “The 100 Days Agenda: A Patient-First...
Reflections on a Legacy
With the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I wanted to use her words to narrate my own journey to WomenHeart as well as our collective experiences over the last several months. My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant – Be your own person. Be...
National Cholesterol Education Month
While many aspects of our daily lives have been uncertain lately due to the coronavirus pandemic, one thing we can count on is that the seasons are changing and September is here, which means National Cholesterol Education Month. High cholesterol is a major modifiable...
Women with Heart Disease Need Another Relief Package
Over six months into the coronavirus pandemic, policymakers in Congress are struggling to follow up on their initial swift action in March to address the public health and economic crises brought on by COVID-19. During this time, WomenHeart has worked to raise up the...
Listen to Your Heart
Our country is in a pandemic and it’s causing fear. Are you afraid to go to the hospital? Don’t be - especially if you are experiencing heart attack symptoms. I survived a heart attack in 2018. Despite having all the warning signs, I made excuses for them because I...
Advancing Access to Vaccines
Despite states reopening, the global pandemic of COVID-19 continues to spread in communities across the United States. Scientists are racing to find a vaccine and people across the world are eager for the hope of a full return to “normalcy” that a vaccine brings. But,...
Statement from WomenHeart Board of Directors
The Board of Directors sent the following message to the WomenHeart community today: WomenHeart: The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease has been reflecting deeply in recent days as we have witnessed the devastating impact of racism and structural...