Champion Spotlight: We Are Heart Sisters

Heart Sisters

“When I was accepted to attend the WomenHeart Science and Leadership Training, it was like winning the lottery,” says WomenHeart Champion Jody Knack. “WomenHeart is doing great work and more people need to know about it.” Jody, a native of Aurora, IL, is passionate about helping women and she’s been doing it since 2003 and reaching hundreds of women.

“Last February I created a Facebook group called ‘We Are Heart Sisters’ that started with 83 WomenHeart Champions and has grown to over 700. We are supporting women from all over the United States and the world.” 

She uses her support network meetings to spread the word about heart disease and how WomenHeart can help. The education and awareness she provides in her community also helps generate online donations, as people want to support a cause that matters. Jody understands the impact of fundraising and wants the powerful heart stories of women to be shared.

“I have had the honor of attending many Wenger Award Dinners. I love the experience of meeting and mingling with our sponsors and think it is just as important for them to meet and see us WomenHeart Champions. We truly are the “face of what Womenheart is all about.”

Jody has her own heart story—having suffered a heart attack in February 2000 after doctors initially dismissed her symptoms as acid reflux, anxiety, and a gallbladder attack. “I really didn’t know how I survived,” Jody says. Stories like Jody’s are a prime example of why giving to causes like heart disease awareness and prevention is paramount. She is a 19 year survivor of heart disease. “Some days I feel like the energizer bunny and others I know when to chill and recharge my batteries.”

Consider supporting WomenHeart Champions like Jody by purchasing a ticket to our May 20 Wenger Awards Dinner or by donating to WomenHeart.