Celebrating 25 Years of Unwavering Commitment to Heart Health


For 25 years, WomenHeart has been a beacon of hope and empowerment for women facing heart disease. As a national non-profit organization dedicated to women’s heart health, we’ve advocated for awareness, education, and support, making a profound impact on the lives of countless women.

Our Mission: A Unwavering Commitment to Women’s Heart Health

From the very beginning, WomenHeart has been driven by a singular mission: to empower women to live healthier lives by preventing, detecting, and managing heart disease. We’ve tackled this mission with a comprehensive approach, providing a range of programs and services that address every aspect of women’s heart health.

Our Impact: 25 Years of Making a Difference

Over the past 25 years, WomenHeart’s impact has been transformative. We’ve:

  • Increased awareness of women’s heart health, playing a significant role in recognizing heart disease as the leading cause of death for women in the United States.
  • Improved access to care, advocating for policies that have made it easier for women to receive the care they need.
  • Saved countless lives by providing women with the information and support they need to prevent and manage heart disease.

Celebrating 25 Years of Success: A Year-Long Celebration

As we mark our 25th anniversary, we’re taking a moment to celebrate our achievements and express our gratitude to the countless individuals, organizations, and supporters who have made our work possible. Throughout the year, we’ll be hosting a variety of events to commemorate our journey and renew our commitment to women’s heart health.

How You Can Get Involved: Be Part of Our Mission

WomenHeart’s work is far from over, and we need your support to continue making a difference in the lives of women facing heart disease. Here are ways you can get involved:

  • Donate to WomenHeart: Your donation will help us continue providing critical support, education, and advocacy for women’s heart health.
  • Volunteer your time by participating in events, raising awareness about women and heart disease, becoming a WomenHeart Champion, and more.
  • Spread the word: Help raise awareness of WomenHeart and women’s heart health by sharing information with your friends, family, and community.

Visit our website here to learn how you can get involved.

Thank you for being a part of the WomenHeart family!