I’m delighted to introduce you virtually to Kathryn Stephens, WomenHeart’s incoming interim CEO.
As you all have known since I took the interim CEO position with WH last July, my husband John and I are going on an extended trip in mid-January, so my committed time to WomenHeart will be coming to an end at that time. In order to assure a seamless transition, Kathryn started this week, and we are in the process of working together to hand off the interim CEO baton to her while the executive search committee completes its search for the organization’s next CEO. That search process continues to move forward with fantastic candidates. I will be saying farewell to all of you later this month, and at the same time I am transitioning into a volunteer role with WH to continue to help Kathryn and the WH team until that mid-January trip.
Kathryn is a professional interim CEO. This will be her 12th interim executive role in the non-profit sector. It’s what she loves to do, and that is obvious in conversation with her. She has no ending deadline, so she can stay as long as WH needs her to stay. In addition to bringing that overall wisdom, experience, and expertise, Kathryn also has development expertise and is already a very quick study on assessing our development (fundraising) needs and managing that area during the next phase of this interim leadership period.
Thanks for your help and support in welcoming Kathryn to WH! Her e-mail address is: kstephens@womenheart.org.