A Note from Mary – December 2018

Life Milestones

As we close out 2018 and turn our attention to welcoming in the New Year, it’s a natural time to reflect on our experiences throughout the year. It’s also fun to make predictions about the coming year – which, for WomenHeart, will be its 20th year, a major milestone.

Last year at this time, I never would have predicted that I would be taking a detour to come out of retirement for a few months, helping WomenHeart through its CEO transition.  This detour has turned out to be the most enriching and rewarding experience of 2018 for me. WomenHeart, quite simply, is a gem of a community dedicated to saving the lives of women living with or at risk of heart disease.

This year has been a turning point in the organization, with many changes made or in the works: preparing for a new CEO; planning for the 20th anniversary year; developing and implementing new strategies to diversify the organization’s funding; and more. It’s a lot of change to absorb in a single year for all of you and for your incredible staff team, and all of you have been dedicated, loyal, and supportive during this transition. Thank you!

As I say farewell to all of you who are the essence of WomenHeart, I make my own new year’s prediction that next December, you will be looking back on 2019 with the smile of success. I also predict that you will be looking ahead at 2020 with excitement about the next 20 years, a renewed sense of engagement, and a unified vision about WomenHeart’s future, cheering on a dynamic new CEO with whom the entire community will work to implement big, audacious goals!

Best wishes to you for a holiday season and a 2019 that fills you with many moments of joy, comfort, laughter, and gratitude. I’m grateful for this experience with you.

Kindest Regards,

Mary Logan