WomenHeart Wins Two Telly Awards for 2019 PSA “The Race to Save Lives”

WomenHeart: The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease announced today its PSA, “The Race to Save Lives,” has been named a Bronze Winner in two categories: Regional TV General-Public Service/Social Responsibility and Regional TV General-Public Interest/Awareness at the 40th Annual Telly Awards on May 21.

The PSA, which debuted in February to kick off WomenHeart’s 2019 Heart Month campaign, raises awareness of the signs and symptoms of heart disease in women and encourages viewers to take control of their own heart health. The PSA featured three WomenHeart Champions, who are female heart disease survivors trained by Mayo Clinic to share their stories and educate others on heart disease in women.

“This PSA captures the spirit of our 900+ WomenHeart Champions and underscores our belief that to win this race, we all have to do it together,” said WomenHeart Interim CEO Kathryn Stephens. “We commend the talent that helped this message resonate, and we are honored by this recognition.”

Founded in 1979, The Telly Awards showcases excellence in video and television content across all screens and is judged by leading experts in media and production from Vice, Vimeo, Hearst Digital Media, BuzzFeed, A&E Networks and more.