September 2018 – Keeping Voices Heard in Congress

Promotion of Women's Health

Amy’s Advocacy Corner

One of WomenHeart’s policy and advocacy priorities is to make sure members of Congress hear the voices of women with heart disease and turn to WomenHeart and our Champions when their input is needed most. Health coverage is a top priority, and we want all women to have access to quality care. To that end, we are proactive in making sure Congress hears from us—and you, particularly as it relates to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Soon, we will be sending you a call to action and providing the tools you need to reach out and make your voices heard on this issue.

WomenHeart Scientific Advisory Committee members Nanette Wenger, MD and Noel Bairey Merz, MD, along with Beverly H. Lorell, MD, recently published an article making the case for why “recent legislation and public policy changes are particularly relevant to the cardiovascular community.” The article describes how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) promoted women’s health and reversed prior sex inequities in health care. It argues that current policy trends to undermine the ACA “will adversely affect women’s general and specific CVD health.”

To learn more from WomenHeart about the impact of the ACA and what’s at stake, please read our fact sheet and stay tuned for calls to action.