October 2018 – It’s Not Too Late to Take Action

Women's Heart Health

Over the past month, we have been bringing you videos of WomenHeart Champions speaking about the importance of protections that ensure people with pre-existing conditions, like heart disease, are able to access health insurance. And, we have been providing educational materials about relevant policies and asking you to take action. If you have yet to reach out to your members of Congress to tell them why health coverage is essential for women with heart disease, it’s not too late to do so.


Your voice matters. New federal policies took effect in Oct. that allow inadequate insurance plans onto the marketplace and permit states to waive important protections in some of its plans. WomenHeart will continue to speak up for the needs of women with heart disease and we encourage you to do so as well.

[youtube video_id=”MSu093PEKjA” caption=”#DefendPreEx: Jill’s Story”]