Forging New Paths for Native American Heart Health

On December 5, WomenHeart collaborated with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to co-host a Convening on Native American Women’s Heart Health in Washington, DC. Over 40 experts in Native American health and research, women’s cardiovascular health, and public health programs for diverse Native American populations; community leaders; federal officials and policymakers; and Native American women living with heart disease gathered for a day to explore best practices and culturally competent ways of engaging and supporting Native American women in preventing and living with heart disease. There were dynamic panels that presented lessons learned from existing public health programs, two Native women who shared their stories and experiences of living with heart disease, and time for small groups to generate recommendations for moving the work forward. A full recap of the event will be featured in this month’s Heart to Heart Newsletter. The night before the meeting, WomenHeart and NHLBI co-hosted a reception on the Hill in cooperation with the Congressional Caucus on Native Americans.