Celebrating WomenHeart Champion Jaime Wolfley

Jaime Wolfley


In the heart of everyday life, WomenHeart Champion Jaime Wolfley experienced a sudden and life-altering event that would reshape her entire perspective. Jaime’s story is one of courage, resilience, and the remarkable strength that embodies the spirit of WomenHeart.

The Unforeseen Tuesday:

On a seemingly ordinary Tuesday in May, Jaime, a part-time elementary school PE teacher, found herself caught in a whirlwind of unexpected events. Little did she know that this day would mark a turning point in her life.

The Signs and Response:

As Jaime went about her day, she began to feel an unusual discomfort in her chest. Attributing it to indigestion, she attempted to alleviate the annoyance to no avail. Sensing something was wrong, she took immediate action, lying down and elevating her legs. This decision proved crucial as she ultimately lost consciousness, prompting the need for urgent medical attention.

The Emergency Room Experience:

In the emergency room, Jaime learned the gravity of her situation. She had gone into cardiac arrest, undergone CPR, and received defibrillation. Subsequent tests revealed a 100% blockage of the left anterior descending artery, leading to a series of attempts by the medical team to clear the blockage and insert three stents.

The Diagnosis and Recovery:

Jaime’s path to recovery wasn’t paved with roses. The harsh reality hit after leaving the hospital: her heart attack had been caused by SCAD (Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection), a spontaneous tear in one of her coronary arteries. This rare condition, primarily affecting women and often initially misdiagnosed, forced Jaime into a new reality. Months of cardiac rehab, adjusting to a rollercoaster of medication changes, and navigating the unfamiliar terrain of post-trauma anxiety became her daily grind.

Ups and Downs:

Jaime’s journey involved experimentation with medications and the navigation of rib and chest pain resulting from CPR. Managing blood pressure and dealing with anxiety were daily struggles. The psychological impact of these experiences, coupled with the physical challenges, tested Jaime’s resilience.

Moving Forward:

A year later, Jaime reflects on her journey, acknowledging the ups and downs. Medication improved eating habits, and staying physically active within prescribed limits became integral to her ongoing management. Regular consultations with her primary care manager, interventional cardiologist, and a specialist in SCAD research are now part of Jaime’s ongoing care plan. Becoming involved with WomenHeart was very important to Jamie, and helped her in her heart health journey.


Jaime Wolfley’s story is a testament to the strength that WomenHeart Champions embody. Through the trials of heart health challenges, Jaime’s resilience shines as a beacon of hope. As we celebrate WomenHeart’s mission, Jaime’s journey reminds us of the importance of community, support, and the unwavering spirit of those facing heart health adversities.

Jaime, thank you for sharing your story and inspiring us all.