August 2018 – Defending Patient Protections

Women and Heart Disease

Amy’s Advocacy Update

WomenHeart continues our work to ensure that all women living with and at risk of heart disease can get the health care they need, including coverage for their diagnostic tests, treatments, and medications. In the coming weeks, we will share information and ask you to make your voice heard in support of adequate and affordable coverage and protections for those with pre-existing conditions, including women with heart disease.

Join us on social media to #DefendPreEx. Stay tuned for ways to engage lawmakers with your story and a call to action. And let us know if you’re interested in a meeting with your member of Congress to talk about what insurance coverage has meant for you. Whether it’s meeting with your member of Congress, writing a letter for your local paper, or filming a short video for social media, we’ll be happy to make it happen and to give you the tools you need.

The Affordable Care Act was instrumental in expanding access to health insurance for those who previously couldn’t afford it, or those who couldn’t qualify, or were charged more for plans because they had a pre-existing condition. That was especially the case for women. Unfortunately, the protections that are now in place for those with pre-existing conditions continue to be under threat. New regulations and new laws have threatened the stability of the health insurance marketplace and weakened guaranteed access to care. For example, just this month, WomenHeart joined with other patient advocacy organizations to express concern about a new federal regulation to authorize the expanded use of “short-term, limited-duration insurance plans.” Those plans are inadequate and deny protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

To set up a meeting with your member of Congress or learn more about WomenHeart’s advocacy efforts, contact Amy.