A Heartfelt Thank You from Our Board Chair

The Annual Wenger Awards are always an opportunity to honor those who are doing exceptional work in the area of women and heart disease, and this year was no exception.

We thank our honorees: Carl Pepine, M.D., Annabelle S. Volgman, M.D., The Honorable Robin Kelly (D-IL), and Tara Narula, M.D., for their efforts. Along with WomenHeart Champion Elisabeth Corshu, who told her moving story, each honoree’s comments reinforced how critically important their work is and why it continues to drive their efforts. Read more from Barbara here.

While she was unable to be with us this year, we could not allow our 20th anniversary year to pass without acknowledging the incredible ongoing engagement and support of Dr. Nanette Wenger, honoring her with the 20th Anniversary Legacy Award.

We thank our staff for all of their incredibly hard work executing the NHA Conference, the SAC meeting, the Board Meetings and the Wenger Award Dinner. It was an exceptional team effort. Our guests were so impressed with what they heard and saw.  A non-cardiologist KOL speaker even commented on how she learned new information related to women and heart disease during a NHA panel discussion.

We are very grateful to Novartis, our event host sponsor, along with AMGEN, Bristol-Myers Squibb with Pfizer, Sanofi Regeneron, Novo Nordisk, Abbot and Rush University, who have contributed to this event.

Like many of you, I share information about WomenHeart with just about everyone I meet. But as we all understand, seeing WomenHeart “live” elicits a much clearer understanding of what we try so hard to convey and accomplish.  Once a year, The Wenger Awards Dinner provides us the opportunity to not only offer our thanks, but to truly introduce new attendees to the importance of our work.

Best regards,

Barbara Tombros

WomenHeart Board Chair